Bringing crypto revolution to India

We’re simplifying crypto: Making it easy and hassle-free for everyone.

UNICAS has been at the forefront of integrating financial services with the world of crypto assets in India since 2021. We are committed to simplifying the crypto investment process, eliminating complexities, and ensuring a user-friendly experience. Through innovation and a deep understanding of the evolving crypto landscape, we strive to set new standards, contributing significantly to the transformation of crypto investment into a more accessible and inclusive experience.


UNICAS is dedicated to revolutionizing the lending market by introducing innovative, user-friendly, and sustainable solutions. Leveraging the transformative power of blockchain technology, UNICAS is at the forefront of developing a new era in digital finance, characterized by efficiency and inclusivity.


Our vision at UNICAS is a financial ecosystem where digital assets are seamlessly tokenized and managed on-chain, offering unprecedented ease and flexibility in asset transfer and management. We are committed to staying ahead of the curve, which is why our products are designed to be intuitive, secure, and instant - embodying the financial services of the future.


At UNICAS, our core values are centered around efficiency, transparency, and accessibility. Our commitment is reflected in our fully automated solutions, clear and open processes, and our relentless pursuit to create a global service. We believe in democratizing wealth creation, making it accessible and feasible for everyone, everywhere.

A Story Of Super convenient online banking

Your success is our mission. As business advisors, we offer expert guidance, unlocking your potential for growth and profitability